Meet the Coffee Beaners
Here you can see the person who packed your order, someone you have met when you've popped in or spoken to on the phone. We believe it's nice to put a face to a name.

Jenni's favourite past time is watching thrillers and reading gruesome books. She loves all kinds of music and reading. When away from the roastery, Jenni enjoys spending time with her 2 children as well as her yearly trip, partying abroad with her girlfriends. Jenni describes Coffee Bean Shop as "working for and with the best bunch of people" and having superb coffee on tap!
I have enormous respect for Jenni, her coffee knowledge is extensive and her attention to detail and passion for her job is, well what can I say, - impressive. Jenni is integral to the running of the business and an asset to the Coffee Bean family.
Ollie is my eldest son and has the most coffee knowledge within the family… so he says!! He has worked for Coffee Bean Shop since the beginning when he would pack coffee after school in the kitchen, while I would be roasting in the garage.
Ollie has always had an enormous commitment to Coffee Bean Shop and is very loyal to his family. When he was younger, I decided that he could do with a gap year, something non-coffee and a change of scene. He travelled to Australia and unsurprisingly he ended up working as a barista in a coffee shop! He says coffee is in his blood, perhaps it really is?
He says his most embarrassing moment was getting onto the wrong plane and ending up 2000 miles away from where he thought he was going. I would wholly disagree and say it was when he came home with bedbugs in his rucksack from a hostel out there!!!!He also says that a roast dinner is his favourite food, but only when his mum has cooked it, so he is rather like a homing pigeon, back home on a Sunday after playing golf.
His favourite coffee is Hawaiian Kona, he would love to travel there (for research purposes of course) He describes his work at Coffee Bean Shop to mean EVERYTHING to him which is lovey to hear because he has watched the business grow right from the first order being sent out and we are privileged Ollie chooses to continue to support the family business.
Harvey is my second eldest son, he was also in operation within the founding years of Coffee Bean Shop, helping to pack the orders and run them to the post office after school. Now recently graduated from Bath University with a degree in Entrepreneurial Business he has joined us full time to develop his own new cold brew coffee. It won’t be long before you can try some too!
Harvey's favourite coffee is Peruvian Tunki, he drinks this black either as espresso or americano. Harvey says the Coffee Bean Shop means "family, friends, excellent coffee and opportunity"
I was delighted to welcome Harvey back after three expensive years away at Uni! He has taken the lead to project manage the website launch and overseeing our video and photography. He is a breath of fresh air for the business and we feel lucky to have him.